Digital renaissance
accelerate business

Turning digital challenges into competitive advantage

In the era of the Digital Renaissance, where technological breakthroughs redefine landscapes and societal norms evolve, every facet of our global landscape undergoes transformation.

At ORGX, we recognize that the digital realm holds the key to unprecedented opportunities for businesses seeking a competitive edge. Our expertise as a strategy & innovation firm lies in guiding organizations through this Digital Renaissance, unraveling its complexities, and empowering them to harness digitalization for exponential growth and societal impact.

Take a look at our services to accelerate your business

Clients we team with

From groundbreaking technological advancements to dynamic environmental shifts and profound societal revolutions, every corner of our planet is being reshaped.

At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to deliver innovative solutions that not only anticipate these changes but also leave a positive impact on the world. With unyielding confidence, let's embrace the future together and unleash the power of endless possibilities.


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Overschiestraat 65 - 7th floor
1062 XD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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  • Trend analyses
  • Competitor analyses
  • Ambition setting
  • Digital strategy
  • Sustainable strategy
  • Roadmap development


  • Unravelling the challenge
  • Identifying solutions
  • Balancing impact/effort
  • Solution delivery
  • Project & Program management
  • Portfolio management


  • Understanding the playing field
  • Aligned stakeholders
  • Actionable roadmap
  • Key capabilities
  • Continious improvement
  • Monitoring progress