Jin van den Born joins ORGX

ORGX update

It’s time to introduce Jin van den Born. My drive to join ORGX is a serious wonder that has been engaging me since the start of my career: how did we get from the purpose driven collaborations that built our society, to the profit driven organizations we have today? And more importantly: how do we proceed to create the organizations we need to shape our future? My background can be characterized as advancing between the business, human and technological aspects of collaboration. Starting off with my education in management science, moving forward by promoting strategic behavioral change in organizations, then managing software development projects, and now transforming organizations into meaningful companies. I bring to the table a mix of eagerness to contribute, pragmatic idealism and a constructive mindset.

From groundbreaking technological advancements to dynamic environmental shifts and profound societal revolutions, every corner of our planet is being reshaped.

At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to deliver innovative solutions that not only anticipate these changes but also leave a positive impact on the world. With unyielding confidence, let's embrace the future together and unleash the power of endless possibilities.


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Overschiestraat 65 - 7th floor
1062 XD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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  • Trend analyses
  • Competitor analyses
  • Ambition setting
  • Digital strategy
  • Sustainable strategy
  • Roadmap development


  • Unravelling the challenge
  • Identifying solutions
  • Balancing impact/effort
  • Solution delivery
  • Project & Program management
  • Portfolio management


  • Understanding the playing field
  • Aligned stakeholders
  • Actionable roadmap
  • Key capabilities
  • Continious improvement
  • Monitoring progress